Harmony Guide to CrochetingI started crocheting when I was at university; my housemates thought I’d gone crazy!  I don’t know why I started but I purchased a few hooks and some gorgeous mercerized lilac cotton and followed a filet crochet pattern from the Harmony Guide to Crocheting, Techniques and Stitches (edited by Debra Mountford, ISBN-10: 0517880741).

I found it easy fun and relaxing, but there was a problem. My finger hurt, I mean really hurt. You see I hold my hook unlike any way I’ve seen described in the many crochet books I flicked through. This wonderful grey tool was hurting my hand. I tried holding the hook different ways but nothing was as comfortably uncomfortable as holding the hook my way. I tried to endure the pain (see how brave and courageous I am!!!) but I had to stop. I stopped for over 10 years but crochet was always at the back of my mind.

Hurrah the internet came and crochet became my porn! In 2007 I was a seasoned surfer and was always looking at yarn online. I typed in crochet hooks and boy meets girl, Burton meets Taylor, Angelina meets Brad, toast meets butter, I met Clover. More specifically Clover Soft Touch hooks.

I had at last found a tool that did not hurt my finger. From then on I couldn’t stop crocheting. I now have two sets of the Clover Soft Touch hooks, two sets of the Crochet Lite hooks, two sets of the Etimo hooks, basically if the hook has a flat or flatish handle I’m on it like cat on a ball of yarn!

I can’t stop, if I’m not crocheting, I’m reading about crochet, looking at crochet related tweets, dreaming about crochet, you get the picture, crochet is my Crack.