
Scarlet Dash Blog


July 2012

Inside Crochet Magazine, Redux

Hurrah! it’s been saved. For a while there I thought Inside Crochet Magazine was headed for the big magazine shop in the sky. But no, it’s back, it’s under new ownership and it’s glossier than ever.



I know it had its problems in the past, I don’t want to gloss over them but I do want  to focus on the magazine as it is now.

I first started to crochet ages ago and then I stopped due to a sore finger (I know aw diddums!). About 2007 I started again after finding hooks with handles (thank you Clover).  Then came my crochet book fetish which was swiftly followed by a hunger for crochet magazines.

I always enjoyed the US crochet magazines but found the UK lacking in this department. Of course there was the odd crochet special inside knitting and various weekly magazines. But I longed and longed for a magazine devoted to crochet. And after 2 years of wishing Inside Crochet magazine arrived (so yes you have me to thank this magazines arrival!).

I won’t spoil it for you but let’s take a look at quick look at issue 32.

I’m not that into fashion but I’m wild about crochet clothes. I find that patterns for accessories blankets and the like are easy to find, but UK magazine wise there are fewer decent garment patterns. Not with this issue, there are 14 patterns in total and out of those 14 a whopping 10 are for garments. I especially love the Bexhill Tee, the Bon Voyage Jumper and the Tidal Tank. There’s also a good article on catwalk crochet which will appeal to fashionistas.

There’s the usual yarn review, helpful as always. There’s also an interview with crocheter Vita who owns a gorgeous Etsy shop. My favourite thing in this month’s magazine is the article on the history of crochet.

To sum up the new look Inside Crochet Magazine is off to a great start, I hope it lasts.

On a side note, I did a quick web search and could not find any social media that supports the new Inside Crochet magazine? Have you found anything, Twitter, Facebook, Google+……?

Yarn Bombing, What’s the Point?

Yarn bombing, urban knitting, yarn storming,  guerilla crochet or whatever you want to call is defined as, a type of graffiti or street art that employs colorful displays of knitted or crocheted yarn or fibre rather than paint or chalk.

I’m in two minds about yarn bombing. On one hand I love how yarn can brighten up an otherwise mundane bus,


Knitted bus: Knitters turn to graffiti artists with 'yarnbombing'


and who doesn’t like a pink camouflage bull?



But at the same time I think what a waste of time, yarn and money! Part of me thinks of all the wasted yarn. Yarn that could have been used for a  charitable cause or turned in to all sorts of wonderful garments and accessories.

I’m also a bit jealous. It does take a certain skill to yarn bomb, especially when you don’t have permission, you’ve gotta be quick with those needles and hooks. And I do envy the skill and creativity involved in such beautiful works such as this.


But now I’m so used to seeing yarn bombs it takes a lot to impress me and sometimes I’m presented with a ya bomb and just think meh!

I’d love to see the after pictures to see how the yarn bomb stands up after rain, snow, hot sun, pollution and bird poo. Who’s responsible for taking it down, is the yarn recycled, can it even be recycled after withstanding the elements?

So while yarn bombs such as the Helsinki Cathedral impress me I’m still in two minds.

What are your thought on yarn bombing?

Have you been part of a  yarn bomb?

Yarn Bombing Links

Knit The City Operating from a secret underground wool-lined bunker in the heart of the busy metropolis of London, Knit the City’s Yarn Corps are artists who spend most of their lives operating under assumed names. The practice living their lives like every day people. Yarn bombing, yarnstorming, guerrilla knitting, urban knitting or graffiti knitting is a type of graffiti or street art that employs colorful displays of knitted or crocheted yarn or fibre rather than paint or chalk.

Yarn A yarn bombing community.

Yarn Storming  The original Homemade Social Network for yarn storming and yarn bombing.

Yarn Yarn Bombing is a blog about knit graffiti. It was started by two knitters, Mandy Moore and Leanne Prain, who live in Vancouver, Canada.


Fancy doing some bombing of your own? (don’t it’s illegal!!!), find some inspiration on Pinterest.



This Week’s Top 3 Free Crochet Patterns, Pencil or Make Up Cases

I’m a stationary hoarder, I know exactly how many pens are in my case and you can only borrow one for a 3 minute period!!!.

I thought why not combine my stationary hoarding with crochet. That’s where these patterns come in; crochet cases.


Simple Pencil Case

This one, from Crochet Me, looks like a roomy case. If you’re a cosmetics junkie there’s space for lots of lippy.

*Some Materials Used (click the image for more details)

Cotton yarn

Size 7 (4.5mm) hook

8 inch (20 cm) zipper

Piece of cotton fabric

Needle and thread

Rainbow Pencil Case

If you’re one of those crazy people who have just a few pens then this case, from Siona Karen, is the case for you.


*Some Materials Used (click the image for more details)

DK cotton yarn in a neutral colour (approx. 55g), red (4g), orange (3g), yellow (3g), green (3g), light blue (3g), dark blue (2g) and purple (1g)

3.5mm (US size E) crochet hook


Yarn needle

 Crochet Pencil Case

This one’s got nipples!

*Some Materials Used (click the image for more details)

This one uses a  3.5 or 4 mm crochet hook.


So there you have it, 3 patterns to fuel pen or make-up addiction!


July Competition Time

Socks are perfect for summer stitching, actually they’re perfect to make all year round. If you like making socks you’ll love this little gem that features knit and crochet sock patterns.


For a chance to bag this book  just comment on this post and answer the following question  “what crafty project are you’re working on at the moment?”

Once you’ve left a comment I’ll put your name into a prize draw. The results will be announced on this blog post on Sunday 8th July 2012 Midday.

THE WINNER IS CHRIS BOULTON!!! (CHRIS please check your email)

To comment you’ll need to submit your email address, this will NOT be displayed on your comment and will ONLY be used to contact the prize draw winner.

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